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Antar Shaala

Antar Shaala is a unique format of learning Bharathanatyam under Upadhye School of Dance,

led by Adithya PV, Shruti Gopal and Parshwanath S. Upadhye. 


Antar Shaala is based on traditional teaching pedagogy and is NOT a certification course.


You can either opt for online or offline mode of classes.


Online learning is applicable only for the students who are above 12 years of age. If the student is below 12 years, offline classes are mandatory.


New batches of Antar Shaala, both online and offline, will begin in February 2025.


Structure of the Classes

Option 1 : Online Antar Shaala

Students will learn through two methods. 

  • Swadhyaya - Pre-recorded videos of dance classes/music lessons/dance theory will be made accessible to the students every month. They can attend these e-Learning modules anytime they wish to; preferably prior their upcoming Live session with their teachers. Students will be able to access the swadhyaya videos only if they are part of Antar Shaala.

  • Antar Taragati (online classes) - Students have to attend one Live session every week (on zoom calls) at a fixed batch timing, which they will be able to choose while paying the term fees at the time of registeration. 

Fees for option 1

There is NO Registration Fee.


School charges a fee of 3000 ₹ / month for students within India and 50 $ / month for students residing outside India.


Fees for the entire term (3 months) should be paid before the last date.

Monthly fee payment option is not available. 

Option 2 : Offline Antar Shaala

Students will learn through two methods. 

  • Swadhyaya - Pre recorded videos of dance classes/music lessons/dance theory will be accessible to the students every month. They can attend these e-Learning modules anytime they wish to; preferably before their Live class. Students will be able  to access the swadhyaya videos until they are part of Antar Shaala only.

  • Antar Taragati (offline classes) - students will be able to attend one offline class every week, at Punyah studios, NRI layout, Bangalore. Classes will be held on weekends.


Fees for option 2 

There is NO Registration Fee.


School charges a fee of 3000 ₹ / month.


Fees for the entire term (3 months) should be paid before the last date.


Monthly fee payment option is not available. 


Option 3 : Self-learning (through pre-recorded videos)

This option is suitable for the students who prefer self learning and do not need attention through offline or online classes.

Swadhyaya - Pre-recorded videos of dance classes/music lessons/dance theory will be accessible to the students for one year after the purchase. Approximately 10 videos of classes per set.


Fees for option 3

School charges a fee of 15000 ₹ per set (250 $ per set).




Terms and Conditions :


a. The right to select the students for online and offline classes rests with Upadhye School of Dance.


b. The right to decide/change the batch timings rests with Upadhye School of Dance.


c. It is mandatory to inform your present Guru about your interest in joining our school. You may continue to learn under your present Guru while you are part of Antar Shaala or join any other Guru while learning under Antar Shaala. 


d. The right to terminate student’s participation rests with Upadhye School of Dance.


e. The right to modify the format of the classes/fees structure rests with Upadhye School of Dance.


f. All payments are final and non-refundable. No refunds will be issued for missed classes.






Q: How can I choose my level?

A: There are two levels.  


Choose “Sthira” If you are 12 years or above and a beginner or someone who wants to start from the basics.


Choose "Madhyama" if you have 5+ years of training in Bharatanatyam. 


Please note that along with compositions, Madhyama batch will also concentrate on developing the basics of the art form. 


You may choose one of these two levels while paying the term fees.


If you start with Sthira, you will proceed to learn higher level of dancing gradually. There is no shifting from sthira to madhyama required.


Q: I am already under a Guru/dance school. Can I still join?

A: Yes. Permission from your present Guru is mandatory. You can continue learning under your present Guru as well.


Q: Will I be able to attend dance exams?

A: Yes. Swadhyaya syllabus will include topics on theory, music and dance which are set keeping Karnataka Secondary Education Board and Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Exams in mind.


If you choose to attend these exams under upadhye school of dance, the school will conduct additional preparatory classes for the participants.


Q: Will I be able to perform? Do my Arangetram? 

A : Yes. Though the format and mode of teaching is different, this is still a conventional dance school.


We encourage the students to get performances on their own. And once you are ready for your Rangapravesham / arangetram, we shall surely encourage you to do so. Although it is not mandatory. 


Q: Can I attend physical classes if I am visiting Bangalore?

A: Yes. If you are part of Antarshaala through one of the 3 options given above.


For more details on this you may contact the school before coming to Bangalore.


Q : Will I get music for practice/ performance?

A: We encourage students NOT to learn or practice with a recorded music rather develop a skill through which they are able to dance with their own “mental music” as done traditionally which enhances the sense of Rhythm and Musicality.



1.Studio recorded music will be available at the end of every term at a nominal fee. 

2.Music of the previous term will be available only for the students who continue to next term. 

3.You may use the music for performances online/offline, competitions or even just for practice.

4.Music/songs are copyrighted by the school. Sharing /selling is prohibited.


Kindly note. If you are opting for option 3 the music is part of the fees paid.


Q: I have a different question 

A : Please text +91 72048 93290 

(WhatsApp texts only)

Response time 3 to 4 working days.

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